IZAAK WALTON 1593 – 1683
“Angling may be said to be so like the mathematics, that it can never be fully learnt”
The Compleat Angler (1653)
Like Izaak Walton we believe fishing to be an ongoing journey of discovery. Whilst we cannot give you fishing perfection, we will use our best endeavours to see you achieve fishing happiness.
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Llŷn Guides is the creation of Noel Hulmston. A lifelong passion for the countryside and wild, remote, places has been combined with my fishing and shooting activities. The latter culminated in my winning the British Association for Shooting and Conservation’s Stanley Duncan Award for conservation, in the BASC’s centenary year. My first recollections of fishing, in our village pond during the war, are of a bamboo pole, with a length of line attached and a bent pin at the business end! Bait was the usual kids’ bit of squashed bread. Technique with this basic kit was age old – watch the fish grab the bait and then grab the fish, a technique used by native Americans for centuries. My expeditions further away, by bicycle, took me to the confluence of the rivers Dee and Alyn. The target species on these juvenile wanderings were the fluke. Trout came into view when a family friend showed me a good sized brownie, caught in the river below the village.
My enthusiasm for running water increased when a friend’s father took me after salmon on the Welsh Dee. Since those far off formative days I have enjoyed fishing in many different and varied places including Australia, Ireland, Scandinavia and America. Ice fishing, in the latter two countries, is a winter activity, albeit a cold one! The challenge of river fishing for catfish in America still holds a special interest for me.
Having taken friends fishing in the hills, for a few years, I was then persuaded to make the experience more generally available and Llŷn Guides was developed.
Fish to eat – catfish
Fish on the spinner – sewin
Fish on the fly – brownies
Fishing Spot – Assynt, Sutherland
With the ever increasing use of the internet you might be forgiven for thinking that a Guide is no longer necessary! Obviously we would argue against this view. There are many ways in which you will find the services of a guide advantageous - time savings on your day, booking permits, knowing where fish like to lie, etc. In addition the experience gained is available to you. There are some things which you might not be able to enjoy otherwise, for example fishing some of our mountain lakes, sea bass on the fly – knowing where successful marks are to be found, good grayling stretches, etc. In addition we are happy to accompany you to other distant waters where we have visited before.
We take pride in the way we look after our guests. Couple this with a reasonable range of fees and you can look forward to spending an enjoyable time in our company.
Naturally if you have a question or a specific interest please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss the same with you.
Llŷn Guides are keen supporters of the work of the Wild Trout Trust in the UK and the American conservation equivalent Trout Unlimited. Members of both organisations are welcome to avail themselves of a 10% discount, should they use the services of Llŷn Guides.