Apologies for the slight delay.
One again my friend and colleague Allan Cuthbert has re-iterated, in his column in Trout & Salmon, the need for anglers to participate in these bodies which can be found across Wales. The plea for co-operation was first made by the CEO of NRW, Miss Clare Pillman, at a combined LFAG meeting in Rhiwlas, Bala, in December 2019. I followed suit and made a similar plea in these news pages shortly afterwards. I added a caveat, namely, there must be mutual co-operation and respect. Without such features the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland would not have been possible. It can be done.
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Now before you get the impression that this is a unique problem to Wales – it is not!
In a report prepared for DEFRA and published in early 2020, the results of interviews with over 600 fishing interviewees - 529 being with sea anglers were analysed and the report is based on the results.
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The Executive Summary perhaps summarises what was discovered:
“fr many fishers and anglers, the experience of working with others has been limited, and at times frustrating. For harbour side interviewees , there was a reflection that partnerships required more significant listening and they were frustrated that this does not seem to happen……….. Investment in relationships is not rewarded, creating a low trust environment”
Seem familiar?
As far as LFAGs are concerned every angler in Wales has an opportunity of making their thoughts and feelings known and, as Allan said, "“we must keep trying please?”"
For those of you who do not have membership of this pro-active charitable body you run the risk of missing important information which is circulated through informative newsletters.
Amongst the items is an appeal to sign the S & T PETITION before the 24th of November 2021. Once there are some 10,000 signatures the Westminster Government “will respond to our petition”. So much at the moment is not being addressed by any of the UK Governments and this is an important way to get more public debate on vital topics which affect both anglers and those who care for the environment. The website has considerable information in it www.salmon-trout.org and you can sign the petition there. I was intrigued to see who is supplying the salmon for the COP26 gathering in Glasgow and the source of said salmon!
Sign the PETITION now please – it is free and will help!
There is more good news for river works in Wales. The sum of £500,000 has been awarded to the “Reconnecting the salmon rivers of Wales”
project, led by Swansea University, for barrier removal from the Nature Network Fund (Lottery monies). With the removal and/or easing of some seventeen barriers it will help reconnect some 141 km of river habitat across Wales.
It is now possible to register for this event which will take place on the 21st of May 2022. The Foundation, which has as its Strapline -“Connecting fish rivers and people” can be found at www.worldfishmigrationfoundation.org and has a very pro-active website. Scrolling down will reveal the full story, including the past history of World Fish Migration Day. Go to "get involved" and you can find the connections for joining the May 2022 event and, also, the Dam Removal Europe link. Having watched the latter I can tell you it is both informative and, on occasions, somewhat explosive. The latter, is both literal and also inspiring. In the words of outer space addicts “We are not alone”!
How many times have we anglers been asked “What would you like for Christmas”? Our replies can perhaps be written on a small piece of paper!
For something both beautiful and informative you might want to consider the traditional Dee River Map. It is terrific. To buy one visit the website of the Welsh Dee Trust at www.welshdeetrust.com then pick up “Shop” from the menu. As you can see this is spectacular.
To solve another problem, you could also have your own “inspiration” on a Christmas present for the other person in your life solved by commissioning, as a present, a portrait of your family dog. If this appeals to you go to my website www.llynguides,co.uk
Pick up the “Info” then “Business Links” and find “Sketch Draw”.
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Tightlines and stay safe until next time.