After some delightful “holiday weather” the covid regulations have been eased in most of the UK countries BUT not removed completely. It is important to ensure you familiarise yourself with the applicable rules, wherever you fish. Of course, the depleted amount of water in the majority of rivers may present another problem, albeit hopefully a temporary one! The level of the Dee at Bala, is currently .291 mtr rather than an optimum .375 mtr.
If you have ever admired the traditional “river beat maps” now is your opportunity of purchasing your own. The Welsh Dee Trust has commissioned one for the Welsh Dee.
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My framed version is 44 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Not only does it look good, but it will enhance the appearance of many an empty wall.
To get your copy visit and proceed to “shop”- then proceed in the usual way. The “shop” facility is a new innovation by this independent charity and will have more items appearing shortly. Watch this space!
The majority of European countries with a seaboard facing the Atlantic, are now primed to be on the lookout for migrant Pacific (Pink) salmon. This includes the countries which comprise the United Kingdom and the neighbour to the west, Ireland. There have been fish found in Scotland, Northern England and Ireland in 2021.
It is important to be on the lookout for this invading and potential harmful species.
Pink salmon are an invasive, non-native species of pacific salmon and are increasing being caught and observed in Scottish rivers. These fish were originally introduced to some Russian rivers in the 1960s, have slowly spread westwards and have now colonised some northern Norwegian rivers. Due to their different lifecycle, they tend to arrive in odd-numbered years, and have been recorded in higher numbers in 2017 and 2019.
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Red skin disease In recent years, there have been increasing reports of wild Atlantic salmon showing red skin issues, including lesions, red marks on vent and ulceration. This is commonly referred to as red skin disease. Efforts are being made to better understand what is causing this condition. If you capture or observe any wild Atlantic salmon showing symptoms, please let us know.
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Escaped farmed fish are shown to have negative impacts on wild salmon populations through genetic impacts arising from interbreeding. Hybridization between wild and escaped farmed salmon can reduce wild salmon production and survival, in addition to direct ecological interactions such as competition for food and habitat. If you capture a farmed salmon, it should be humanely killed. If possible, a sample of scales should be taken, which will allow us to confirm that the fish is of farmed origin.
These images are reproduced by kind permission of Fisheries Management Scotland to help you.
Should you come across one when fishing in Scotland contact Fisheries Management Scotland via the link at:
In Ireland contact Inland Fisheries Ireland go to the dedicated fishing website – open it – report your catch via the “contact” facility.
In England report any of these fish to the Environment Agency by telephone on 0800 807060 or by email to
In Wales you can report it by telephone 0300 065 3000 or visit the website where there is a dedicated facility to report incidents of non-native species. Information can be viewed at: pink-salmon-briefing-july-2019.pdf ( and an updated 2021 version should appear shortly.
All that said, in ALL INSTANCES you must be certain the fish is an invasive salmon. If in doubt “Do not take it out - leave it be!”. If you are certain then, put succinctly, “Catch it – Kill it – Keep it” – then freeze the fish for future scientific work by the appropriate agency.
Most parts of Wales are now serviced by an LFAG. If you have never heard of them and you are an angler in Wales, then it is time to ask a few questions! Many think they are a sub-committee of Natural Resources Wales – not the correct answer.
They are bodies, best described as “Run by anglers for anglers” – perhaps this might be a good strap line for the future? An LFAG is a body which allows anglers, clubs, fishing associations, etc., to make and discuss points, directly to and with NRW staff, in what one hopes is a professional and courteous exchange. At Rhiwlas in December 2019 Clare Pillman, NRW CEO, made an impassioned plea for anglers to work with NRW.
Why was this necessary? There remained some poor feeling following the Fishery Inquiry into the 2017 proposed bye-laws. Several of us, who gave evidence in the Inquiry, have and continue to urge our fellow anglers to move forward and engage with our NRW colleagues. It is the only way, in my view.
If you are an angler in Wales, may I suggest you:
(a) find out how you are represented at your LFAG and if you get blank looks
(b) do something about it – NOW.
There are times when the prospect of sharing our various waters with others settles easy with me:
I took this picture the other evening from the beach below the village Stay safe everyone |